Beautiful People Do Not Just Happen

I recently discovered this beautiful quote from Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, when I shared it over Facebook and LinkedIn it received an uncommonly high number of responses.  Will you share something about a beautiful person you know that became more extraordinary when they came out of the depths?  Or share how you have been transformed?

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.



Brokenness Creates Humility, Thankfulness Sustains It

Yesterday I gave a presentation and shared a painful story from our lives and some of the lessons we learned, hoping to make a difference for even one person.  


Two specific lessons I shared were:

  • Brokenness can serve as a catalyst to humble us and make us whole again.  
  • Thankfulness is the key to continuing that evolution.    

Tonight I realized that September 11th is just around the corner.  That date, always makes me think of where we were on the day our nation will never forget…  My husband was at work in Houston.  I was on a business trip in Phoenix. I turned on the television in my hotel room as the plane hit the second tower and wondered if I had tuned into a movie instead of the news.  When the Pentagon was hit, I realized everything was real and wondered if this was the start of WW III.  

7 Most Powerful Lessons From Life & Leadership

I recently sat down and created a list of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned so far, in life and in leadership.


Seven of those lessons stand out as lessons that are critically important to share.  (And each one links to a resource or a post with more detail!)

  1. Your calling can become your idol if you let it.
  2. Without a vision people and organizations really do perish.
  3. Leaving your comfort zone will always make you feel weak and small.
  4. Every human has feet of clay, complete trust and confidence should only be placed in God.
  5. The critical balance of compassion and accountability.
  6. How to forgive, even when the act seems unforgivable.
  7. Brokenness creates humility.  Thankfulness sustains humility.

How about you… [Tweet “What are the most powerful life and leadership lessons you’ve learned so far?”]