For more than a decade I’ve been thinking about challenging conversations.
- About the people that avoid them at all costs.
- And about the people that drive over others with their opinions while refusing to listen to another point of view.
How do you usually respond? (I’ve done both.)
And while I’ve been thinking about the importance of those conversations, I’ve been listening, learning and growing.
Below is a short list of reasons why it is so important for all of us to learn how to have these conversations:
- Most of us don’t know how to have discussions about difficult topics.
- FAKING peace and pretending a problem doesn’t exist doesn’t make it go away.
- Staying in our own little corners and talking to those that think like us, doesn’t build bridges or trust with those that don’t.
- The blame game never solves anything.
- BREAKING peace by shouting, labeling and name-calling increases the division.
- People matter.
- Truth matters.
- Compassion matters.
- Critical thinking matters.
- Character matters.
- You have experienced, witnessed, researched and considered things that no one else has.
- Others have experienced witnessed, researched and considered things you have not.
- Half-baked solutions based on only part of the information will never solve a problem.
- The purpose of our freedom is to be able to research, dialogue, learn and problem solve – together.
- I need to know what you know, and you need to know what I know.
- We can’t heal the past if we can’t discuss it.
- We can’t create a stronger future if stay in our own bubbles and refuse to collaborate.
- Real Peace MAKING makes a stronger future possible.
Will you choose to be part of the solution?
If you live in greater Houston – Please join us for an energy-filled, hope-infused workshop on November 6th from 6:30 – 9 PM. (People of different races, religions, political parties, ages, educational backgrounds are driving from all sides of Houston to participate.)
Learn more and get your tickets here:
I confess that I’m the sort of person that gravitates towards my own tribe. I consciously seek out interactions with people that I perceive to be like me and I imagine that most people are like this. Going where they fit in. The safaris have broken down those barriers. They have allowed me to rub my mind with the minds of women from very diverse backgrounds. I’ve come away knowing that I can have a deep sisterly bond with a lady from a completely different cultural, religious or racial makeup.C.H.
A frequent CONVERSATION Safari Participant from Zimbabwe and the USA
THANK YOU for commenting and sharing!
YOU ARE INVITED: To add your comments and to share your professional, personal and faith-based stories. Diverse opinions, compassion, and inspiration are welcome! (I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.)