A lesson in character from a former bully

As we began working on the Character-Based Leader book, I dug deep to see if I could identify what had originally ignited the passion I have for character-based leadership.  As I reviewed years of memories, I continually found examples that that evidenced my passion for others, almost as if it had always been there.  So I dug deeper, determined to find the root.  When I found it, I realized that my vision for character-based leadership stems from a very self-centered decision I made in elementary school…

When I was in first grade there was a girl in my class with messy hair and old clothes who was noticeably “different” than everyone else.  

Is your comfort zone limiting you?

Are you missing out on life, on your dreams and on your purpose by staying in your comfort zone?

  • Do you desire to live an adventurous life but are afraid to travel?
  • Do you wish you could make a big difference in the world but are afraid to be visible?
  • Do you wish a loved one would say they love you or are proud of you?  ..But you’re afraid to speak those words first?
  • Are you struggling to find a job, but not sure how to ask for help?  

You’re invited to a virtual brainstorm… Will you help?

I recently wrote a post titled Banging Pans and Throwing Fish in Corporate America to share an fun way to engage people, meet and exceed goals and inspire organizational change.

big idea meeting

Today someone posted this question in response to that post,

“I work in a food production environment. Any Ideas on how to apply this on a production floor?  Remember. “Safety is the number one priority!”  

Brokenness Creates Humility, Thankfulness Sustains It

Yesterday I gave a presentation and shared a painful story from our lives and some of the lessons we learned, hoping to make a difference for even one person.  


Two specific lessons I shared were:

  • Brokenness can serve as a catalyst to humble us and make us whole again.  
  • Thankfulness is the key to continuing that evolution.    

Tonight I realized that September 11th is just around the corner.  That date, always makes me think of where we were on the day our nation will never forget…  My husband was at work in Houston.  I was on a business trip in Phoenix. I turned on the television in my hotel room as the plane hit the second tower and wondered if I had tuned into a movie instead of the news.  When the Pentagon was hit, I realized everything was real and wondered if this was the start of WW III.