COURAGE ~ The testing point of every virtue

I love this photo of the Lion.  It is such a powerful visual of traits I admire in leaders:  Strong, Confident, Peaceful, Wise, and Courageous.  He is fully aware of who he is and what he stands for.  Calm and relaxed, yet alert and watchful. Able to fully enjoy life as he currently knows it, and yet courageous enough to leave his comfort zone, and use his voice or his strength to empower, to protect or to create change the moment he is needed.

C.S. Lewis describes leadership this way:

[Tweet “Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. “]

  • How many people and organizations do you know that need that kind of leader?
  • How many individuals and organizations do you know that are unhappy with their present reality and desire something different and yet do nothing to change their circumstances?
  • So why is there such a big gap between the desired result and the present state?  

Leadership Lessons Are For Everyone

I recently visited with a CEO that read one of the articles in this blog for the first time and realized how disconnected he’d been from a big project in his organization. …That realization caused him to immediately engage with his team.

Then I visited with a friend that is a stay-at-home grandmother. She said she wasn’t sure if leadership articles would be of value to her now that she is no longer working outside of the home. (Even though she is a leader in her home and does a lot of volunteer work!) …Then she went on to share her appreciation for the way the learning’s in these posts often challenge her thinking and apply to her life.

The CEO got a high five, my friend received a virtual hug, and my cells danced as I thought of how their actions and comments emphasize three important truths: