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…You’ve heard it before, maybe a million times.  But does it apply to life outside of a battlefield?

I believe it has deep lessons for our world, as dividers often use this truth to gain power and keep control.

  • In families.
  • In workplaces.
  • And in nations.

If truth is important to you.

If people are important to you.

If the health of your family, workplace, nation and our world is important to you…

You absolutely must know the importance of this truth.

And you must be able to identify and shine a light on those that seek to divide and destroy.

Need help dealing with a manipulator?  (Also Known As – A Divider) …Follow the link to this post.

What are your thoughts?I’m curious, have you pondered the importance of those words before?  PLEASE Share!  

“Together You Stand, Divided You Fall.”

Below are several REAL examples of opportunities that curious leaders won’t miss: 

1. Managers that work in different departments have daily opportunities to serve each other at a high level.

  • However the executives they report to frequently talk smack about each other and go out of their way to avoid working together.
  • So the managers follow the example that has been set for them – spending more time in turf battles than aiding each other.
  • Their teams become ropes in a tug-of-war.


Earlier this week I shared a new post on The Lead Change Group Blog titled Are you Separating, Assimilating or Leading Change?

It’s a post that continues to highlight a growing dream:

  • That began a few years ago after a lot of self examination
  • That was sparked by current events
  • That moved from pondering to sharing after I heard Dr. Wayne Hardy speak
  • Then intensified after I read a blog post by Jesse Lyn Stoner

And is now being fueled with more frequency and intensity by my expat journey and current events as I consider people, organizations, and countries that are divided in endless conflicts like these:   (more…)