I recently spoke to a group of people and shared information that challenged their thinking and their behavior. Afterwards several people approached with questions and comments.
One woman had received the message and wanted help in taking the next step.
Another woman expressed her gratitude for the message. She admitted that she had always struggled in one particular area – but until today, she hadn’t realized it. Now she was actively processing the new information and beginning to visualize what a change in her behavior would look like.
Then a man stepped forward that was actively rejecting the message. Repeatedly he emphasized that others needed to change. Not him! Just them!
He was unwilling and therefore unable to see that:
- His thinking is stuck in a cycle of blaming others.
- By not being willing to consider other perspectives, he’s not solving any problems. He’s simply waiting for others to solve problems.
- Change will always begin inside the only person he will ever control – himself.
- Being willing to understand people and issues at a higher level will grow his knowledge, problem solving ability, and influence.
How willing are you – to learn how to think differently?
Do you…
- Admit that you can’t possibly know it all?
- Consider that the information you have – might be incomplete or incorrect?
- Listen intently to the knowledge and experiences of others?
- Consider the perspectives of those you are tempted to dismiss and discredit?
- Think logically?
- Analyze historical data?
- Adjust your decisions and your behavior, as more complete information is uncovered?
When you do:
- Trust increases
- Loyalty rises
- Energy flows
- Creativity soars
- Growth multiplies
The people you lead will do what they see you do – And their thinking and actions will impact your results.
How’s that going for you?
If you want help learning how to listen, think and lead at higher level:
- Check out this article.
- Contact Chery to learn more about workshop and coaching options.
THANK YOU for commenting and sharing!
YOU ARE INVITED: To add your comments and to share your professional, personal and faith-based stories. Diverse opinions, compassion, and inspiration are welcome! (I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.)