Have you ever:
- Participated in conversations about the behavior of certain titled leaders?
- Expressed frustration at situations that seem corrupt, not in line with core values or unfair?
- Wondered why opportunities to problem solve and improve the future were not taken?
Have you ever spoken these words, “Why doesn’t “someone” do something?”
When the change you want to see isn’t happening “out there”…
Below are 21 Reasons that it might be time for YOU to Take Action:
AT WORK – Do YOU see opportunities to:
- Decrease silos
- Increase employee engagement and retention
- Increase customer satisfaction
- Reduce expenses
- Reduce risk
- Limit layoffs
- Increase profit
IN YOUR COMMUNITY – Do YOU see opportunities to:
- Build stronger relationships
- Work together on a shared vision
- Increase involvement
- Communicate more effectively
- Improve the quality of life
- Increase safety
- Create a stronger future
IN YOUR NATION – Do YOU see opportunities to:
- Increase ownership
- Improve accountability
- Improve collaboration
- Grow trust
- Decrease inefficiency and waste
- Improve results
- Make the vision a reality
If you see any of those opportunities. If you’ve ever said those words. Who are you waiting for?
Yes it takes courage to lead up, but…
I am convinced that most of the answers workplaces, communities and nations are seeking today are lying dormant inside of their employees, customer and suppliers. …Just waiting to be discovered and unleashed.
Excellent article Chery and love your call to action! I have tried to step up in my community and volunteering in organizations to elevate problems. None of us can sit idly by and let others do all the work.
Thanks Chery!
Thank you Terri! It is so cool that you are focused on stepping up in your community! If everyone that voiced concern got involved in even one cause, our world would be a different place.