Below are several REAL examples of opportunities that curious leaders won’t miss: 

1. Managers that work in different departments have daily opportunities to serve each other at a high level.

  • However the executives they report to frequently talk smack about each other and go out of their way to avoid working together.
  • So the managers follow the example that has been set for them – spending more time in turf battles than aiding each other.
  • Their teams become ropes in a tug-of-war.


DEEP Understanding Drives Change

I cannot do all of the good the world needs but I can do all the good that I can do

Several years ago I sat in a room full of volunteers that were being trained to go into schools and work with children that were at risk of dropping out. One of our exercises was a simulation that was designed to help us better understand the day-to-day realities for their families.

  • We were divided up into small groups.
  • Each one of us was given a role to play.
  • Then we were given a real life problem that needed to be solved.
  • And a name of a place we needed to go to for help.

In the simulation I was the small child of a single mother that had no car.

  • “My mother” needed food and a job and childcare.

The simulation was timed to help us understand everything that she needed to accomplish in one day – just to bring home food. (Let alone finding a job or daycare.)

Each time we got off the simulated bus, we walked into a facility and stood in a long line. To eventually be re-directed to another place for services that was across town with different operating hours and another long line.

My job was to simulate how a child begins to act as a few hours becomes a day without food, without a nap, without play.

How do you define Success?

It’s nearly July 1st. We have nearly reached the half mark of 2014. So it’s a good time to evaluate.

[Tweet ” How are you measuring your success this year?”]

 Is it based on who the world thinks you are?

  • Your title
  • Your net worth
  • The number of awards on your shelf
  • The neighborhood you live in
  • Where you went to school
  • Your nationality
  • Or how the world values the efforts of your children or your spouse?

Or on the things you possess?

  • The kind of car you drive
  • The number of name brands you wear
  • How many of the latest gadgets you own

Is it measured by lives?

Earlier this week I shared a new post on The Lead Change Group Blog titled Are you Separating, Assimilating or Leading Change?

It’s a post that continues to highlight a growing dream:

  • That began a few years ago after a lot of self examination
  • That was sparked by current events
  • That moved from pondering to sharing after I heard Dr. Wayne Hardy speak
  • Then intensified after I read a blog post by Jesse Lyn Stoner

And is now being fueled with more frequency and intensity by my expat journey and current events as I consider people, organizations, and countries that are divided in endless conflicts like these:   (more…)

Leadership means Ownership

I have a friend that is getting frustrated with her new boss.

The new boss has made several mistakes that are impacting his employees. However instead of admitting what he doesn’t know, and owning his mistakes he either blames someone else, or acts like he doesn’t care.

My friend could understand and overlook the mistakes, however, the lack of ownership is causing the entire team to question the integrity of their new leader and eroding their trust.