Many of you are aware that my husband and I are preparing for our first overseas move. In the past couple of weeks we’ve had to push hard to get all the information we need and reach out to people that are not official owners of the process for help. (Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to offer help than to ask for it? …Let alone push for it?)

Thankfully we are finding people who are willing to share their time and their stories and offer their advice. The downside of that is receiving conflicting information and not being able to discern the truth. And without the truth we are either webbed in place seeking more information or are forced to just jump in and see what happens!
At the same time, we are meeting others that did not have the information they needed when they landed and have had to overcome much larger obstacles than we have so far. Imagine accepting a new job, being flown to a foreign country where you don’t speak the language, then driven from the airport and dropped off outside of a compound in the middle of the night? Not at the gate, not inside the gate, not at a hotel but just outside a compound wall, and expected to figure out what to do next on your own!