Leadership Image Quotes

A picture is worth a thousand words.

You are welcome to download the leadership image quotes below and share them!

[Tweet “The path to the castle is often not so clear.  Have you shared your vision with your team?”]

Have you shared your vision with your team?

[Tweet “If we are convinced we are speaking the truth, why are we so afraid to listen to someone else’s truth? “]


[Tweet “Look deeper and SEE people for WHO they really are, not just at how they appear.”]

Seeing others...

[Tweet “Without a vision, people and organizations really do perish! “]


[Tweet “How often do you take a drive outside of your comfort zone?”]

How often do you drive outside of your comfort zone?

[Tweet “Leaving your comfort zone will always make you feel weak and small.”]

Leaving Your Comfort Zone

[Tweet “Brokenness can serve as a catalyst to humble us and make us whole. “]


[Tweet “Repeat your message and model the behavior you would like to see! (21x)”]

Repeat The Message

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