Have you checked out our NEW POST on the Lead Change Group Blog?
- What it would be like to grow up in a family that is always behind on their bills.
- To live in a home that could be featured on the television program HOARDERS.
- To have your home burn to the ground and lose everything when you were in grade-school.
- Then live in a home without an indoor bathroom through high school.
- Being diagnosed with bi-polar, manic depressive disorder before you were 20.
- Getting hit one night by your boyfriend and leaving with your car and your clothes.
- Becoming a single mom and going through a bankruptcy.
For Angie, all of this was a reality. She was living a life of chaos with very few calm, safe, hopeful moments. She describes herself as insecure, someone with a chip on her shoulder, and a bully. She emphasizes never being taught to budget, being embarrassed to bring friends home, and trying to escape her reality by forming relationships that many times became the cause of more pain.
When I first met Angie I did not know any of these stories. I found her because she is a hairstylist with an online presence and great reviews. (When you are new to a city, you look for both!) In our first meeting I complimented her on her online presence and she quickly spoke of her “Marketing Director, Miss Connie. ”
What follows is a quick look into the lives of two extraordinary women that have been transformed because they have chosen to do what they can, with what they have, right where they are. Read more here.
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YOU ARE INVITED: To add your comments and to share your professional, personal and faith-based stories. Diverse opinions, compassion, and inspiration are welcome! (I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.)