As a society we tend to label and categorize everything into the smallest, tiniest little box so it seems more clearly defined but is it always necessary? We always want to clarify with adjectives, adverbs and descriptors so there is no margin for error in what we are talking about.

- Does it help us to visualize better?
- Or does it hold more negative connotations instead of creating equality? Is it a form of discrimination?
- Will it call attention to and single out individuals as more of a minority status? How can this be kind?
About a month ago I got a note from Jane Perdue with an invitation to write a guest post for her blog with these questions as thought starters…
Do you ever wonder what women, men and society need to do so that…
- Women and persons of color are designated as a doctor, not “a woman doctor;” as a scientist, not “a Latino scientist,” etc.?
- Special designations aren’t needed in announcements, e.g.: the first woman to lead the federal reserve, the first female best director Academy Award winner, the first African American female flight crew, etc.?
I struggled with this topic for a month. I was so torn but my heart and most recent experiences led me to a very eye opening conclusion. One you may be surprised by.
Read more at: Braithwaite Innovation Group Why our world needs FIRSTS – LeadBIG
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