Truth, Freedom, and People – Need You!

A Call to Action from Our Shaking World

Do you care deeply about truth, freedom and people from all nations races, and religions?  Do the debates about what the world should and should not be doing for refugees, about how to deal with the threat of terrorism without hating and fearing others, about the right to bear arms and the need for gun control – make your head spin?

We have a crisis of leadership and a need to personally be involved in changing the world of leadership for the better.  ~Mike Henry Sr.

Like many of you, I am deeply concerned about truth, freedom, people, and the state of leadership in my home country and in our world. And the more I read, listen and observe, the more I’m aware of:

Uncomfortable Questions and Leadership…

Do you encourage them, consider them and ask them?

I was leading a small team in a culturally diverse city in the U.S. when two of my employees asked why all the titled leaders on our leadership team were white.

I was raised in a part of the country that was not culturally diverse, today – nearly a decade after their question 89% of the population in my home state is white and 95% of the county that surrounded the town I grew up in was white.  As a result, it was a question I didn’t see coming and one I did not have a good answer for.

[Tweet “If you seek to lead well… You will consider uncomfortable questions.”]

My reactions:

About Giana Consulting

Closing the Gap between "Your Reality" and "Your Vision"


Giana Consulting was founded by Chery Gegelman.

 Why we do what we do:

After years of developing people and leading change from the middle and the edge of organizations, Chery is convinced that:

  1. Organizations, Communities and Nations are healthier and make a greater impact when a balance of TRUTH and GRACE drive their thinking and behavior. 
  2. People matter.
  3. Poor leadership and conflict destroy.  (Everything!)
  4. Many of the answers organizations are seeking, are lying dormant inside of their employees, their customers and their suppliers just waiting to be discovered and unleashed.
  5. Each of us is capable of making an extraordinary difference regardless of what our title is.
  6. Anyone with a leadership or management title has a great responsibility to listen, to model the behavior they would like to see, and to serve those they employ.

Giana Consulting helps people and organizations close the gap between “what is” and “what could be” by facilitating listening, dialogue, truth-seeking, understanding, collaboration, change and growth.

Instead of  treating symptoms and wasting your time and resources:

Through Keynotes, Workshops, Coaching and Consulting we help you:

  1. Address root causes.
  2. Build bridges of communication and understanding across silos and division.
  3.  Lead positive change.
  4. Unleash your employees energy, knowledge and collaboration.

PEOPLE learn to:

  • Listen and think at a higher level
  • Lead themselves first
  • Lead others with vision; compassion & accountability; consistency & fairness
  • Speak truth to power and lead change
  • Transform divisive environments into energizing cultures


  • Unleash the knowledge and skills of their people
  • Become healthier and more effective
  • Serve their customers, employees and communities at a higher level
  • Grow
  • Accomplish their mission


  • Build bridges with those that don’t look or think like them
  • Have energizing and productive conversations about divisive issues
  • Become more informed, compassionate and effective without enabling

We’ve worked with:

  • People from more than 50 different nations, races, tribes, cultures and languages
  • Front line employees, mid-level leaders, and executives
  • Community members, and special needs adults
  • Automotive Groups, Business Associations, Community Colleges, Career Schools, Large Non- Profit Organizations, Government Agencies, Staffing Services, Insurance Companies, International Residential Compounds, Faith-Based Organizations, and other Consulting Companies both nationally and internationally.

View Testimonials Here

Your growth begins with the courage to dig into and examine uncomfortable TRUTHS.  

  1.  SOLUTIONS are more than pixie dust, and include the development of individuals, leaders & processes.
  2. Resulting in your ability to be highly effective and to achieve unprecedented RESULTS.

Call to learn how you can close the gap between your reality and your vision!  832-557-5327

Our Core Values:

[Tweet ” It takes two to speak the truth, one to speak and the other to hear.  ~Thoreau”]   

I am convinced that once organizational health is properly understood and placed into the right contextit will surpass all other disciplines in business as the greatest opportunity for improvement and competitive advantage.  Really.  ~Patrick Lencioni

Earlier this week I shared a new post on The Lead Change Group Blog titled Are you Separating, Assimilating or Leading Change?

It’s a post that continues to highlight a growing dream:

  • That began a few years ago after a lot of self examination
  • That was sparked by current events
  • That moved from pondering to sharing after I heard Dr. Wayne Hardy speak
  • Then intensified after I read a blog post by Jesse Lyn Stoner

And is now being fueled with more frequency and intensity by my expat journey and current events as I consider people, organizations, and countries that are divided in endless conflicts like these:   (more…)

How to End the “Blame Game” ~ A Dream For Change

This post was originally featured on SmartBlog for Leadership after 20 years of experiences and a very thought-provoking blog written by Jesse Lyn Stoner….

Have you ever been frustrated by name-calling, finger-pointing and the blame game? Or watched how harsh judgments can divide people, divide organizations and result in inefficiency and ineffectiveness?

For 20 years, I’ve observed the impact that judgment has on relationships, families, organizations, neighbors, communities and nations.

When I was a youth director, I noticed that when teens with a strong vision for their own lives said “no” to what was popular to stay focused on personal goals, their peers frequently perceived that they were being judged — even when they weren’t. They in turn judged the teens with vision.

That perception of judgment frequently caused the teens without vision to band together and alienate or bully the teen with clear vision, leaving scars and closing opportunities for both groups to learn from each other.

I watched this same behavior take place in neighborhoods, workplaces, politics, churches and different parts of the world. Sometimes those judgments were real and sometimes they were imagined. Sometimes individuals suffered alone. Often, however, those judgments affected the way people worked together, problems were solved, opportunities were maximized and organizations and economies grew or shrunk.

Collaboration means respecting the people who see things differently, rather than assuming a superior attitude and dismissing them as evil, crazy or out of touch with reality. — Jesse Lyn Stoner