Last week my husband and I vacationed in Amsterdam. During our visit there we had the opportunity to visit the Anne Frank House. I’ve seen the movie, read books about this horrible time in history and visited Holocaust Museums, but I’d never actually read her diary.
‘En route to Amsterdam I opened her diary and read details that I’ve missed before…
- “Jews must wear a yellow star.
- Jews must hand in their bicycles.
- Jews are banned from trains and are forbidden to drive.
- Jews are only allowed to do their shopping between three and five o’clock and then only in shops which bear the placard “Jewish shop.”
- Jews must be indoors by eight o’clock
- and cannot even sit in their own gardens after that hour.
- Jews are forbidden to visit theaters, cinemas, and other places of entertainment.
- Jews may not take part in public sports.
- Swimming baths, tennis courts, hockey fields and other sports grounds are all prohibited to them.
- Jews may not visit Christians.
- Jews must go to Jewish schools, and many more restrictions of a similar kind.”