October 16th is Boss’s Day.

When I think of Boss’s Day I think of the bosses I’ve had, the bosses I’ve seen and the boss I’ve been. I think of the skills I admired and echoed. I think of the skills I could see that were buried under layers of self-discipline issues and integrity challenges. I think of the good, the bad and the ugly:
- The boss that was in his late 40’s, that would have temper tantrums like a two-year old when things did not go well. (Stomping feet, throwing things, and completely consumed with blaming someone instead of problem solving.)
- The boss that was kind, fun, supportive, and late for everything!
- A different boss that realized in a training that her constant tardiness felt like a slap in the face to many of her employees and they were questioning her integrity. (Her discovery was profound and behavior-altering!)
- The boss that listened first to understand, then evaluated if the team had the tools,training and support to do their job before determining how to handle poor performance. (Building trust and a strong organization!)