Leadership means Ownership

I have a friend that is getting frustrated with her new boss.

The new boss has made several mistakes that are impacting his employees. However instead of admitting what he doesn’t know, and owning his mistakes he either blames someone else, or acts like he doesn’t care.

My friend could understand and overlook the mistakes, however, the lack of ownership is causing the entire team to question the integrity of their new leader and eroding their trust.

Ignoring It, Fussing about It, or Owning It

In the 90’s I read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People for the first time.

I immediately made my own infographic of the four quadrants and added the quotes below and put them in my purse and in my planner.

[Tweet ““Be a light, not a judge.” S.R. Covey”]

[Tweet “”Be a model, not a critic.” S.R. Covey”]

[Tweet “”Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.” S.R. Covey”]

When your greatest struggle collides with your greatest gift…

Do you know any person or organization that is in the midst of their most significant struggle – ever?

Would it help you get through the struggle if you knew that it was necessary to unleash your greatest strength?

There is a pattern throughout history that fills me with so much hope that it almost makes me wish for a big struggle…

5 Reasons Thankfulness is more than Child’s Play

5 Reasons Thanksgiving is More Than Child's Play iStock_000027703277XSmall

Although it sounds like something that small children can do, it takes a clear vision of the value of gratitude and a strong mind to practice thankfulness.

Below are 5 powerful reasons for adults and children to practice thanksgiving:

  1. It focuses us on what we have instead of what we don’t.
  2. It frees us from the illusion that we need to be in control to be happy.
  3. It takes our focus off of ourselves and places it on others.
  4. It reflects light like a beacon to dark places in individuals and in our world.
  5. It drives out pride and depression.

Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff.  Max Lucado

5 Ways To Fire-Proof Your Character

An unexpected leadership lesson from vacation

A few years ago my husband and I vacationed in Paris.   We went for adventure, for love, for history…  It was my first trip “across the pond” and although I was anticipating romance, joy, and the wonder of the old buildings, old streets and art.

I was NOT anticipating a leadership lesson…

Everyone recommended touring the Gardens at The Palace of Versailles. However, before we went, I did no research so I was completely unprepared for what I saw.

The gardens:

  • Are on 800 hectares, which is the equivalent of 1,976 acres of land in the United States.
  • Have over 200,000 trees and over 210,000 flowers.
  • Maze-like hedges are lined with marble statues.
  • Each path leads to one of 50 gorgeous water fountains.
  • In the middle of the gardens lies a cross-shaped Grand Canal for boating and fishing.
  • And situated on these spectacular grounds are the Palace, the Grand Trianon and Marie-Antoinette’s Estate.

Gardens at Versailles

The Gardens at The Palace of Versailles