When Comfort Zones become Cliques – Leadership Quakes

Leaders are human and surrounded by temptations to be comfortable. [Tweet “What happens when a titled leader struggles to stand alone? Leadership Quakes @GianaConsulting”] What happens when work friendships become so comfortable they become a clique? It can impact your growth, your credibility and the growth of your organization. How do you know when your comfort zone is holding you and your organization back?

What special needs families taught me about comfort zones




A few years ago my sister adopted a 3-year old little boy that was born addicted to meth.  He had been in and out of foster homes, diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome, had abandonment issues and could not speak.

That sister lives in another state and I don’t get to see her often.  When we spoke about her new son’s challenges,  the challenges the family faced, and the special moments they were beginning to experience… I found myself wanting to I understand more.

Shortly after the adoption, I moved to a new city and met a family with an adult daughter with cognitive challenges.

It was at that time that I realized that although I was always mentally supportive of families and children with special needs and nice to them, I was also uncomfortable simply because I did not know how to fully engage with them.  Was it okay to ask questions?  Or would that be offensive?  What behavior did you need to accept and love and what behavior should you coach and correct?

Thwarting Death by Comfort Zone

I talk a lot about the importance of leaving your comfort zone and the growth that can happen when you do. Most of the time I emphasize the BENEFITS of doing so.

Recently I’ve been reminded of how DANGEROUS comfort zones really are when:

  • A group of expats got too comfortable navigating the land we live in and found ourselves in a situation we could have avoided.
  • My husband witnessed a friend’s motorcycle accident and recognized how comfortable, carefree and careless he has become on his own Harley.
  • I visited with an executive that has been in his position so long he is struggling to see how complacent and ineffective he is becoming.

Each scenario caused me to reflect on how winning sports teams lose their edge, how wildly successful businesses stop growing, and how governments and countries rise and fall…

Linger too long in a comfort zone and you risk…

What’s Outside of Your Comfort Zone?

If we know each other, or if you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I deeply believe in the benefits of living life outside of your comfort zone.  I can tell you endless stories about why that is the case, but you might not have that much time… So here’s one:

A few years ago I went on a business trip.   At the end of a day of meetings we went to a video arcade, where we were divided into teams.  The goal was for each one of us to play the same games  and at the end of the night, the team with the highest score would win.

Instantly a tornado of emotions and thoughts began to spiral:

  1. The first one was RAW FEAR, fueled by the historical pain of gym class.  I was as “girly” as they came and was great at avoiding pain, sweating, and dirt!  So I was frequently one of the last to be chosen for any sport that involved those three elements.  (Big ouch!)
  2. The second was a deep desire to add value to the team, fueled by a fiercely competitive spirit.
  3. The third was a conscious choice to turn this into an adventure, fueled by my husband’s repeated requests to learn to enjoy some of this world.


As a Hiring Manager, a former Career Services Director, and a former Recruiter – I’ve coached thousands of teens, college graduates and adults through the struggle to choose between opportunities and their comfort zones.

Pop Your Bubble

And as someone that has relocated multiple times within the U.S., and then to a land that I once feared… I know both the struggle and the growth that come from living outside of our familiar bubbles.

Beyond Your Bubble

A 2-hour workshop that leverages stories from Saudi Arabia while emphasizing critical life skills that your students need.  Young men and women will acquire current information about another culture while learning to embrace discomfort, think critically, problem solve and become more compassionate.  Our students were fixated on Chery’s words!

Chery gave one of the most interesting presentations I have ever heard. Our students were fixated on Chery’s words! They knew that this was REAL life; someone who had truly experienced veering out of their own comfort zone by encountering life in another country. She communicated with the kids in such a manner that they were genuinely engaged. As a teacher, I was so impressed with Chery’s dedication and passion. It is evident that she has a genuine care and compassion for people, especially our youth. Chery is very personable and her compassion shines through. Her kind and supportive approach drew the students out of their own comfort zone, seeking answers to questions they had.-Bev Frank
Geography Teacher, Beulah, ND

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