Paid to think? …Or to check your brains at the door?

Last week I was facilitating a leadership development session for people from every department and every level of a large organization.  During our discussion I asked them if they realized that regardless of their title they are paid to think.  …Their immediate response?  Silence.


Later in the week I re-opened the book The Secret and as I skimmed through the pages this quote jumped off the page, “Check your brains at the door.  They will be returned to you as you leave the building.  ~The Management”

How about you?  Are you paid to think?  …Or to check your brains at the door?  

…As we near the start of a new year I wonder:

  • How many people work in cultures that expect them to check their brains at the door?
  • How many organizations have actually invited their employees to think?
  • How many organizations have provided the tools and the training to help their organization unleash the knowledge that exists within their own walls?  

Regardless of your title:  What if…

  • You shared a vision for 2013 with your team that invites everyone to bring their knowledge, their ideas, and their questions to the office?  A vision that encourages collaborative problem solving from people across the organization no matter who they are or where they sit?
  • Your organization begins to reward people for asking tough questions and even challenging current policies that don’t serve the customer or the company well?
  • Everyone works together to create a culture that unleashes each other’s strengths?
  • You succeeded at building a  stronger organization?  …And have more fun doing it?

…What if… ???


For more on this topic check out these resources:

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YOU ARE INVITED: To add your comments and to share your professional, personal and faith-based stories. Diverse opinions, compassion, and inspiration are welcome! (I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.)

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