If we know each other, or if you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I deeply believe in the benefits of living life outside of your comfort zone. I can tell you endless stories about why that is the case, but you might not have that much time… So here’s one:

A few years ago I went on a business trip. At the end of a day of meetings we went to a video arcade, where we were divided into teams. The goal was for each one of us to play the same games and at the end of the night, the team with the highest score would win.
Instantly a tornado of emotions and thoughts began to spiral:
- The first one was RAW FEAR, fueled by the historical pain of gym class. I was as “girly” as they came and was great at avoiding pain, sweating, and dirt! So I was frequently one of the last to be chosen for any sport that involved those three elements. (Big ouch!)
- The second was a deep desire to add value to the team, fueled by a fiercely competitive spirit.
- The third was a conscious choice to turn this into an adventure, fueled by my husband’s repeated requests to learn to enjoy some of this world.