You’re invited to a dialog about organizational change.

In April of this year I shared some thoughts on Google+ about creating and sustaining organizational change.  Greg Troxell engaged with those thoughts and we had a brief dialog.  As I am preparing for an upcoming organizational development project, several recent articles and conversations reminded me of our exchange.  With Greg’s permission I am sharing that conversation and inviting you to join in!

Time for Change - Ornate Clock

My original comment:

Ken Blanchard says there are 3 steps to creating change – Impacting knowledge, then attitude, then behavior.  My understanding of his concept is this: 

  • When others hear you share a powerful vision, you begin to impact their knowledge.
  • When they see you modeling the behavior you just described, you begin to impact their attitude.
  • When they choose to participate in the vision, you have impacted their behavior.  

Will you stand next to our veterans?

Today is October 11, 2012.  In one month our nation will celebrate Veterans Day in honor of those who have sacrificed precious time with their families, their physical safety and often their mental well-being, and so we can live in a free country.


Over the past several weeks I have had many unexpected conversations with mothers of returning veterans, with spouses of returning veterans, and with people who provide services to veterans.  In every case they have emphasized the enormous struggles these men and women are facing:  

A virally infectious team… And why you want one!

A virally infectious team, and why you want one!

Who is your favorite football team?

  • Do they win every game?
  • Do they win every season?

When they are winning what happens?

  • Does their teamwork improve?
  • Do they appear to be having more fun?
  • Do they draw a bigger crowd?
  • Does the community get more excited about what they are doing and support them at a higher level?  

Strong Organizational Foundations Are Rooted In Timeless Truths

I deeply believe that strong organizational foundations are rooted in timeless truths.


In the midst of demanding schedules we can easily lose sight of the little things that will either strengthen our organizations or destroy them.

The quotes in the slideshow below have been woven together as a treasure map.

Read carefully and you will discover the secrets for strengthening your organization right now.