5 Ways the word “ALL” is being leveraged to drive your behavior

When was the last time you were in a conversation, and heard someone use the word “ALL” to describe the beliefs or behavior of an entire group of humans?

How many articles have filled your screens in the last week that emphasized all the reasons you should mistrust, disregard, or fear an entire group of people?

I’m deeply troubled about the volume of educated, intelligent, caring people that are having these conversations and sharing these articles and this is why…

Throughout history the word “ALL has been leveraged to:

10 Reasons Strategic Fairness is Worth Your Effort

We’ve all been there…

When our boss hires a friend:

  • Then the friend leverages that relationship to charm their way out of responsibility and accountability.

When laws are created for the good of all:

  • But certain groups are consistently exempt from the law.

When an executive relocates:

Inconsistency is unfair and confusing.  It creates stress, erodes trust, increases frustration, wears people out, decreases ownership and limits potential.

On the flip side of that, fairness:

9 Ways that the Fear of Conflict Kills and Destroys

Some people and organizations hate conflict.

They fear:

  1. Discomfort
  2. Disagreements
  3. Judgmental words
  4. Explosive behavior
  5. Relationships struggling or ending

Then they allow that fear to drive their results!

  • Some feel victimized by the past and hold so tightly to those emotions that they experience less joy and less productivity.
  • Others have rumbling fires of anger burning about present issues. Occasionally smoke seeps out as they vent to those closest to them. As those fires continue to grow everyone is at risk of their eventual eruption.
  • Some are unwilling to learn an alternative way of dealing with conflict.
  • Others don’t realize there is an alternative.
  • And none realize that their choice to wait for the other party to change, is spreading growth-eating bacteria throughout their organization.

10 Reasons Why: Curiosity is More Important than Knowledge

…Einstein said it. Here’s why you need to remember it!

A brilliant woman that has been actively serving her community for years – is well known and highly regarded. In spite of that, she will occasionally admit that she struggles with imposter syndrome.

Another woman has chosen to share many of her golden years volunteering in several political roles. She is quick to emphasize how little she knew about politics when she got involved, and how much more she has to learn. In spite of all she doesn’t know, she is often surprised when people all across her state know her name and are recognizing her knowledge and contributions.

Here’s what both ladies don’t realize:

Unrealized Potential and Conflict? 10 Benefits of Bridge Builders

At Home, At Work, and In Our World

Bridge Builders listen to the perspectives of others, instead of fearing their knowledge, experiences and convictions.

With vision, respect and wisdom they connect:

  • Front lines and executives
  • Teams across silos
  • Customers and the organizations that serve them
  • Individuals
  • Communities
  • Nations