CONVERSATION Safari Workshops

Our shaking world desperately needs us to learn how to dialogue, research, think critically, collaborate and problem solve WITH those that think differently than we do.

Conversation Safari Logo

A CONVERSATION Safari  provides that uncommon opportunity by merging the adventure of a real Safari with a Conversation.

Conversation Safari


  • A group of participants from opposing viewpoints attend a workshop together.
  • Each one chooses to bring a spirit of curiosity instead of judgment.
  • In small groups, each one takes turns listening to others and then sharing their stories and convictions.
  • Participants leave those conversations and examine their own hearts and motives, and dive into history to learn from the past.
  • And then come back to share what they’ve learned and seek to better understand.

Transforming judgment and division into an adventure that fuels problem solving.

“Getting to know each other on the human level can make a world of a difference!” Madiha B. Zaidi
Houston, TX
“This was an extraordinary learning experience.”Paula Langellier
Montgomery, TX
Thank you for organizing an event where people can focus and agree on how to disagree in a respectful and civil manner. When I came my focus was how different we all are. When I left, I realized how many similar fears and concerns we share.”Nazish Dawoodally
Sugarland, Texas
I confess that I’m the sort of person that gravitates towards my own tribe.  I consciously seek out interactions with people that I perceive to be like me and I imagine that most people are like this.  Going where they fit in.

The safaris have broken down those barriers.  They have allowed me to rub my mind with the minds of women from very diverse backgrounds.  I’ve come away knowing that I can have a deep sisterly bond with a lady from a completely different cultural, religious or racial makeup.

Please see Mark 12:30 – 31.  CONVERSATION Safaris have helped me to actually SEE my neighbor as myself, thereby making it much easier to love my neighbor as myself.  Thereby helping me to fulfill one of the greater commandments.

Thank you for creating this amazing platform. It gives us an opportunity to share in a way that we would not ordinarily be able to.CH
A Frequent CONVERSATION Safari Participant from Zimbabwe


CONVERSATION Safaris give participants the opportunity to:

  • Listen
  • Ask Why
  • Share Their Knowledge
  • Increase Understanding
  • Develop People Skills
  • Sharpen Truth Seeking and Critical Thinking Skills
  • Improve Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Enlarge Their Worldview
  • Build Relationships

Attendees often comment about how much exercise their brain gets during these workshops, and about the energy and hope they leave with.  (New perspectives,  laughter, tears, personal change, teamwork and greater understanding are all part of the experience.)

…All of which make it possible to resolve the issues that are shaking workplaces, communities, nations and our world.

I have been fortunate to attend CONVERSATION Safari’s, where Chery has unreservedly welcomed all forms of opinions. She has brought people of different mindsets and encouraged them to admit their deepest fears and apprehensions.

At the end, they have all left feeling inspired, energized and loved. Her patience, her empathy, her desire for truth and her noble intention to help people become compassionate human beings, are important elements which are direly needed in today’s world that portrays the darkness of fear and intolerance. With her comes the sunshine of peace and tolerance in much abundance. TB
A Frequent Participant from Pakistan/Australia

This is exercise for my brain. DK
A frequent participant from Tunisia
I no longer feel alone. GN
CONVERSATION Safari Participant from Egypt


I’m a recovering opinionista that used to really struggle with those that didn’t share my values.

As a child, I would passionately argue my convictions and not listen to those that did not share my opinions.  (Because they were simply wrong!)

As a young professional, I thought it was horribly rude for people to roll their eyes in disagreement – While failing to understand that the shaking of my head as others spoke – screamed how wrong they were. (And emphasized how unwilling I was to listen.)

Somewhere along the way, I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror, and I didn’t like what I saw. So I began to listen more and talk less.

Along the way I heard personal stories from people who had opposing views about some of the values that I hold most dear. Their stories caused me to deeply ponder what it was like to walk in their shoes.

And a dream began to form.

In 2012 I agreed to move to a part of the world that I had once feared.  A month later, I shared that dream with others for the first time.  A few years later that dream became a reality when women from around the world attended the first Conversation Safari Workshop.

I’ve had the privilege of participating in Chery’s programs. I am awestruck by the unique ability she possesses to successfully facilitate in-depth discussions within groups of strangers from culturally and historically opposing viewpoints. Chery is a great facilitator, communicator, listener, instructor, counselor and mentor with a passion for truth and real problem solving!JS
A Frequent CONVERSATION Safari Participant from Jamaica

I enjoy Conversation Safaris because they give me a sense of comfort and a great amount of understanding. When I express my opinion I do not fee judgment. CONVERSATION Sari’s help me look at the world from another direction. ME
A Frequent CONVERSATION Safari Participant from Sudan


CONVERSATION Safaris are not liberal or conservative.  They are designed to help participants BALANCE the use of both their brain AND their heart.  Resulting a dialogue that is fueled by critical thinking AND compassion.

In every Safari:  

  • Some people start on an uninformed fence, and end up with an informed opinion.
  • Others start with one perspective and end with another.
  • And still others find that their hearts are greatly softened toward those that hold a different opinion, even though their minds still hold many of their original views.
  • Attendees leave with increased understanding, energy and hope.
I feel much lighter.MB
A frequent CONVERSATION Safari Participant from Germany
Always so heartwarming….the way you speak and explain things, I always go away with a good, warm, fulfilling feeling.FB
A Frequent CONVERSATION Safari Participant from South Africa

To learn more contact Chery:

Giana Consulting

Culture or Harassment: Are You Defending Your POV or Listening?

I was facilitating a workshop for students. The goal was to help everyone identify the bubbles they live in, and to encourage them to strategically pop those bubbles.

I asked questions that encouraged laughter:

  • What is the craziest food you have ever eaten? Answers varied from peas to snake… (Yes for some of us, eating vegetables is crazy!)

Then questions that would help them think about their courage:

Would you employ, elect or reelect someone like this?

I walked around the corner and into the office. The moment I saw her, I knew I was going to employ her. A high performing employee had referred her.   She was professionally attired, already chatting with others on the team, and I knew that she had an impressive resume.

In spite of everything that looked so positive, I kept the interview consistent with all others. And not surprisingly, she soared through the first few questions.

And then I asked my favorite one.

5 Ways the word “ALL” is being leveraged to drive your behavior

When was the last time you were in a conversation, and heard someone use the word “ALL” to describe the beliefs or behavior of an entire group of humans?

How many articles have filled your screens in the last week that emphasized all the reasons you should mistrust, disregard, or fear an entire group of people?

I’m deeply troubled about the volume of educated, intelligent, caring people that are having these conversations and sharing these articles and this is why…

Throughout history the word “ALL has been leveraged to:

10 Reasons Strategic Fairness is Worth Your Effort

We’ve all been there…

When our boss hires a friend:

  • Then the friend leverages that relationship to charm their way out of responsibility and accountability.

When laws are created for the good of all:

  • But certain groups are consistently exempt from the law.

When an executive relocates:

Inconsistency is unfair and confusing.  It creates stress, erodes trust, increases frustration, wears people out, decreases ownership and limits potential.

On the flip side of that, fairness: