7 Tips For Leading Change From The Middle

Are you convinced that you and your team are capable of making a bigger difference?  …For each other?  …For your organization?  …For your community?  

How to lead change without a title

Do you dream of working for an organization that is committed to Character-Based Leadership?

[Tweet “…Concerned that you don’t have the power or the position to make change happen?”]

A virally infectious team… And why you want one!

A virally infectious team, and why you want one!

Who is your favorite football team?

  • Do they win every game?
  • Do they win every season?

When they are winning what happens?

  • Does their teamwork improve?
  • Do they appear to be having more fun?
  • Do they draw a bigger crowd?
  • Does the community get more excited about what they are doing and support them at a higher level?  

Organizational Growth: From The Inside Out

There are two ingredients in successful organizations: Smart & Healthy.

apples in orchard

It is almost impossible to build a competitive advantage

based on knowledge because it is too easy to copy. 

Very few organizations are healthy enough to tap into the knowledge that is there.

~ Patrick Lencioni

The truth in this quote is so powerful that I can’t stop thinking about it.

How many organizations do you know that are desperately seeking solutions and yet continually ignore the wisdom of their customers, their employees and the opportunities within their own culture?