I have read that… If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million other people in the world. If you can attend worship services at church without the fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed than three billion people in the world. Kay Warren
Is the quote above true for you?
Have you ever stopped to thank those that make it possible for you to live the life you lead?
This weekend America will honor our Military Veterans. People that have been willing to give everything they have so that people all across our world may experience Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness!
If you attended church or a synagogue or a mosque this week and weren’t harassed…
If your children and grandchildren have never experienced life in a war-zone…
If you’ve shared any opinion in the past month over social media that disagrees with decisions that anyone in our government is making and not been threatened…
You are experiencing a freedom you should never ever take for granted.
Please take the time to give back to the men and women that have made that possible!
The links below will take you to three separate articles to help you support veterans at a higher level.
Want to encourage a veteran that has experienced brokenness after serving in a conflict?
This is a lesson from my grandfather a WWII Vet.
Wishing you had a better understanding of the emotional needs of veterans and their families?
This article includes advice from three veterans and one mother.
Wishing you knew how to better support the physical needs of veterans that are transitioning out of the military?
This is a list of current ideas from CNN. (Thank you Jon R Wallace for sharing the link!)
Image credits: Susan Poirier
Thanks for reminding us all of our freedoms! Too many take their freedom for granted because they will never live without it.
Jan – I know right? 🙂 Seriously… I am amazed at how appreciative I thought I was and how that appreciation has grown in this new land!
In America we have very little exposure to the truth that persecution of people just like us takes place because they live where freedom to worship God is totally against the law and any teachings about Jesus are banned. We understand the need to have our military protect our country from terrorists, threat of wars, and keep our borders from invasion. We understand little about the freedoms we take for granted – because they are ingrained in our culture and way of life.
I thank God for our military and the freedoms we have to read the Bible, worship publically, and assemble together to learn about God. I pray that God continues to protect my beloved America and never allows the freedom of worship to be taken from us. Creation, and therefore the Creator, comes under heated debate so often now. We, who believe in the creation story must support and honor that truth and be thankful for the defense we still have in this statement: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men were created equal, they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness!”