Navigating Change by Faith: Walking on Stepping Stones In Dense Fog

Are you in the midst of change and trying to balance the need to take ownership of that change with the need to walk by faith?

Years ago I was struggling to find that balance and wrote this:

I feel like I have been on a path of stepping stones.

Most days this path is surrounded by intense fog that is so thick you can’t see anything – not even the next stone.  

On those days I stand and wait.

Eventually one stone emerges from the fog.

I step forward in faith and have to wait again.

Each time I’m thrilled to see the next stone and wish I could see further ahead.

Every step is taken in faith.

Each time as I wait for the next stone my patience is tested.

And then my faith is rewarded as another stone appears and I step.

The morning I added this to the blog, I read this,

That afternoon I came across this quote from Peter Drucker,

Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.


How about you?

Have you ever felt this way?

What are you learning as you wait and as you step?

Please share!



Image Credit: iStock

THANK YOU for commenting and sharing!

YOU ARE INVITED: To add your comments and to share your professional, personal and faith-based stories. Diverse opinions, compassion, and inspiration are welcome! (I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.)

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9 thoughts on “Navigating Change by Faith: Walking on Stepping Stones In Dense Fog

  1. Wow. Powerful image. I get frustrated that I can’t see the future. I need to remember that none of us can but we can see the next step if we’re willing to be patient enough to see it and make the leap. Thank you!

  2. Chery, Well said. Some of us can’t stand the waiting part and prematurely step off into the fog. Some of us miss a stone or stub a toe and stop stepping. I can see how this analogy can get us back on track. Love your work.
    Thanks Chery.

    • Thank you for the comment Victor! I agree, I am one of those people that struggles with the waiting. It is so helpful to have a vision to focus on while I’m waiting!