[Tweet “What’s Driving Me? Is it Fear or Wisdom?”]
This is a question I frequently ask myself as I make decisions.
Because – I believe that fear is the greatest when I become consumed with ME.
- My comfort, my past pain, my unknowns, what others think of me, of my job security, my physical security etc…
I also believe that wisdom is rooted in prayer, considering my purpose, the needs of the people and the organizations I serve.
In the summer of 2013 I was a brand new expat with a whopping 3 months of experience living in a foreign country and came face to face with some assumptions I’d always made about how things work when you live outside of the land you call home… (Yes – I had believed what I saw in the movies and had always assumed that if you were in a foreign country and needed a safe-haven you would find it at your country’s embassy or consulate.) What I’ve learned since is that there is some truth in that assumption, however, it is NOT the primary purpose of those facilities.
Because of the mass closures of those “safe-havens” that summer – I kept wondering… “What’s driving the decision – Is it Fear or Wisdom?”
As I pondered that question I reached out on Social Media and asked others to weigh in.
What advice would you give leaders to help them make wise decisions instead of fear-based decisions?