Help for Navigating Change: From Invisible to Making an Impact

imagesOn November 29th of last year I wrote a post-titled Comfort or Magic?  Go?  Stay?  Stay?  Go?

What I did not say in the post is that the days prior had been filled with that question as we tried to decide if we had the courage to make a move across the world to a land that sounded stressful, backward, emotionally challenging and dangerous.

A few weeks later we “came out of the closet” and shared what we were doing and why. And for the past year I’ve included lots of our expat stories in this blog.

  • Yes – part of the reason was to share the adventure and the learning’s as they unfolded.
  • However, a bigger reason for sharing the journey is that CHANGE PLAYS A SIGNIFICANT ROLE IN OUR PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL LIVES and even though it is the only constant in our lives… People struggle with it all of the time. 

Did you know that CHANGE was listed in three of the top 10 Human Capital Issues for 2013?  And Numero Uno on the list was Managing and Coping with Change? (The truth of that statement was evidenced when we hosted a Lead Change Event In Tulsa Titled,” Leading in The Midst of Change” and we had our largest turnout.)

Have you ever been completely transformed by change?  There was one unexpected change in our lives that started a series of crashing waves that turned our lives upside down for three years.  There was so much change, so much loss, and so many unknowns that thinking about that season of our lives still brings tears to my eyes.  In the midst of those waves I was taken to my knees, softened, strengthened and grown.  (There really is a silver lining to change!)

Have you ever noticed that there is a process we go through in the midst of change?  There is!  And knowing it can help you feel much more stable as you navigate rough waters.  This link will take you to a chart that has helped thousands of people navigate personal and professional change cycles.

My greatest hope has been that by revealing the emotional side of the change process that you would be reminded of one of two things:

  1. If you are in the midst of your own change and struggling that you are normal, that this is a process, and that things will get better.
  2. If you are responsible for leading people through change that you would be reminded that you lead human beings that are feeling real emotions and that you would relate to them with real understanding and care.

So while the change I focused on was an international move – any change in life can take us down a similar path.

Witness the transformation…

NoBody Series - woman jumping in the air

I started the year fearing that I would feel invisible and wrote this post:

The Invisible Woman.

I ended the year with this post on Alli Polin’s blog:  HiRes

5 Steps to Find Your Voice and Make An Impact.

So, if you, your organization, the people you lead or someone you love is:

  • Facing the unknown and feeling afraid
  • Not sure if they have the courage to make the change
  • Feeling invisible because of a recent change
  • Struggling to find their voice in the midst of change

Will you share this post with them and encourage them to check out each link?

Remind each other that YOU are normal.  This is a process!

Be Encouraged!  There is growth and life outside of your comfort zone!  

YOU will emerge softer, stronger, wiser and with a voice that makes a bigger impact!

Image credits:  iStock

THANK YOU for commenting and sharing!

YOU ARE INVITED: To add your comments and to share your professional, personal and faith-based stories. Diverse opinions, compassion, and inspiration are welcome! (I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.)

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