The Great Divide and How You Can Build a Bridge To Cross It

We’ve been back in the U.S. for nearly 6 weeks. Watching the divide we witnessed across the ocean.  Aching as it appears to be growing deeper and wider.

I know I’m not alone in my concern for our country or in my desire to be a part of the solution. Several of my leadership connections have been sharing both struggles and wisdom in their blogs.

Alli Polin, Erin Schreyer, Steve Keating and Jesse Lyn Stoner have each written important articles to help us build bridges across that divide.

  • Each of the image quotes below highlight something from their articles that I found especially powerful.
  • Each of their original articles are linked after each image through their name.

If you are struggling with the current state of our union – I encourage you to:

  • Read each one
  • Watch the Conversation Safari video at the end of this post

And then make strategic choices to be the change you want to see

Is coaching yourself possible?

What if you could make your emotions obey your logic?

This weekend, we spent time with my sister and her family.  Several years ago they adopted a three-year-old little boy.

Jason was born with a genetic condition and under the influence of the drugs and alcohol that his birth mother used during her pregnancy.  Collectively, all of those things impact his cognitive abilities.

Jason is a beautiful soul that loves life, people and all kinds of animals.  But there are days that he struggles with emotions, decisions and expressing himself.

Over the weekend, I heard stories from his big sister and his mom about times he is having a challenging day.  In those moments, they’ve heard him coaching himself with words like these:

  • “Gotta be nice, calm down.”
  • “You know that’s disrespectful.”
  • “It hurts her feelings when you do that”
  • “Why do you do that?”
  • “I don’t know why, it’s just hard sometimes”

When I shared the story with my husband he was impressed that Jason was trying to use logic to govern his emotions.

He is a pre-teen with the mind of a little boy and a heart that is more mature than many adults.

The Inspiring STANDS of A Real Leader

For the business, his team and his family

Real leaders know that they can’t fight every battle.

But their values are crystal clear long before they are faced with critical decisions. So when a situation demands it they don’t hide, cower or flock…

This post honors the stands of a REAL LEADER that spent several years working overseas.

When the business struggled, this leader:

  • Offered solutions: By reminding peers and executives that they could SIGNIFICANTLY decrease expenses, and increase efficiency, effectiveness, customer retention and revenue by holding people accountable to policies that were already in place.
  • Spoke the hard truth: By pointing to the root cause of issues instead of agreeing with popular thinking that only treated symptoms.
  • Maximized the resources he had: By playing to his strengths and the strengths of his team and leveraging old assets he kept expensive and critical operations running for nearly an entire year without a budget.

When five rounds of layoffs came, this leader practiced:

About Giana Consulting

Closing the Gap between "Your Reality" and "Your Vision"


Giana Consulting was founded by Chery Gegelman.

 Why we do what we do:

After years of developing people and leading change from the middle and the edge of organizations, Chery is convinced that:

  1. Organizations, Communities and Nations are healthier and make a greater impact when a balance of TRUTH and GRACE drive their thinking and behavior. 
  2. People matter.
  3. Poor leadership and conflict destroy.  (Everything!)
  4. Many of the answers organizations are seeking, are lying dormant inside of their employees, their customers and their suppliers just waiting to be discovered and unleashed.
  5. Each of us is capable of making an extraordinary difference regardless of what our title is.
  6. Anyone with a leadership or management title has a great responsibility to listen, to model the behavior they would like to see, and to serve those they employ.

Giana Consulting helps people and organizations close the gap between “what is” and “what could be” by facilitating listening, dialogue, truth-seeking, understanding, collaboration, change and growth.

Instead of  treating symptoms and wasting your time and resources:

Through Keynotes, Workshops, Coaching and Consulting we help you:

  1. Address root causes.
  2. Build bridges of communication and understanding across silos and division.
  3.  Lead positive change.
  4. Unleash your employees energy, knowledge and collaboration.

PEOPLE learn to:

  • Listen and think at a higher level
  • Lead themselves first
  • Lead others with vision; compassion & accountability; consistency & fairness
  • Speak truth to power and lead change
  • Transform divisive environments into energizing cultures


  • Unleash the knowledge and skills of their people
  • Become healthier and more effective
  • Serve their customers, employees and communities at a higher level
  • Grow
  • Accomplish their mission


  • Build bridges with those that don’t look or think like them
  • Have energizing and productive conversations about divisive issues
  • Become more informed, compassionate and effective without enabling

We’ve worked with:

  • People from more than 50 different nations, races, tribes, cultures and languages
  • Front line employees, mid-level leaders, and executives
  • Community members, and special needs adults
  • Automotive Groups, Business Associations, Community Colleges, Career Schools, Large Non- Profit Organizations, Government Agencies, Staffing Services, Insurance Companies, International Residential Compounds, Faith-Based Organizations, and other Consulting Companies both nationally and internationally.

View Testimonials Here

Your growth begins with the courage to dig into and examine uncomfortable TRUTHS.  

  1.  SOLUTIONS are more than pixie dust, and include the development of individuals, leaders & processes.
  2. Resulting in your ability to be highly effective and to achieve unprecedented RESULTS.

Call to learn how you can close the gap between your reality and your vision!  832-557-5327

Our Core Values:

[Tweet ” It takes two to speak the truth, one to speak and the other to hear.  ~Thoreau”]   

I am convinced that once organizational health is properly understood and placed into the right contextit will surpass all other disciplines in business as the greatest opportunity for improvement and competitive advantage.  Really.  ~Patrick Lencioni

Rapt AWE! The spark that ingites the fire and engages others

October was a tough month.

  • I came down with a bad cold/flu and was sick for two weeks.  During which time I spent way too much time watching news about the brokenness of the government in the country I love and call home.
  • I also spent too much time thinking about the fact that I’ve been in this new land six months and wondering “now what?”
  • (Note to self and to the world – it is never a good idea to do a lot of reflection when you are sick, tired, and run-down!)

As soon as I felt well enough to get out of the house I said yes to everyone I had been saying no to while I was sick.  And although I was thrilled to see them, I tried to do too much too soon.

iStock_000019482062XSmallThe good news is that October ended better than it started.

  • A book that we read for book club fueled deep reflection, a passionate debate and further dialog.
  • As soon as the posts on fear went live on Monday I felt lighter.
  • I spent this week doing a variety of things that challenged and fueled my heart, my soul, and my mind.

And I came home today feeling so thankful.  As always, I turned on the music that would reflect my heart and speak to me.  And then sat down to write.  As I looked through interviews I’ve done and thoughts I’ve been noting, I stumbled across this quote from Einstein.

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.