Head, Gut or Fear: Which one do you listen to?

Shortly after one of our many moves, I was asked to serve on a local board.  One of the board members that I got to spend a lot of time with was a smart, energetic woman that ran a local literacy coalition.

Each one of us brought different knowledge, experiences and strengths to our conversations but we shared a vision and a passion.

After one of our long meetings of turning over rocks, looking at squiggly things underneath them, and brainstorming solutions, she made the comment that when we spent time together it felt more like playing than work.  (I felt the same way.)

Isn’t it awesome when you can pour energy into something, think deeply, challenge yourself or learn something new that several hours later instead of feeling tired you feel energized, focused and hopeful?

7 Reasons to “FEAR NOT!”

Today I shared a new post titled 5 Truths To Help You Do “It” Even If You Are Afraid on The Lead Change Group Blog.  While many of you are familiar with our expat story I have never shared the level of fear I felt when we were asked to make this move.

7 Reasons to Fear Not!

I wrote the story several weeks ago deeply believing that we all battle fear.  And knowing that as long as we are webbed in place we can’t contribute our greatest gifts to each other, to our workplaces, to our communities, or to our world.

Since writing it I have run into more hurdles getting this article published than any other post I’ve ever written.  Which makes me even more convinced that needs to be shared.

If you or someone you know is in the midst of a battle with fear I encourage you to read that article and to savor the quotes below. (Some of the quotes in this post are linked to previous articles about fear.)

1.  Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world. Ralph Waldo Emerson

2.  The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. H. P. Lovecraft

3.  Facing your fears robs them of their power. Mark Burnet

4.  Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.  Bertrand Russell

Looking Back: 7 Times You Should and 7 Times You Should Not

As I drove into the driveway, I noticed something in the window of the garage door.

When I drove in and closed the door, I realized that the “something” was the largest butterfly I’d ever seen.

He was pressed against the glass looking back at the world he had come from, and although he could see it, he could not touch it.  (It is important to note that this was a “Louisiana garage” – a carport with a roof and a garage door on the front, a wall on one side, a fence and open skies on the other side, a covered walkway and more open skies on the rear.)

This butterfly was so focused on looking back that he did not realize that the open air was just beside him and he could fly away at anytime.

What’s Driving You: Fear or Wisdom?

[Tweet “What’s Driving Me?  Is it Fear or Wisdom?”]

This is a question I frequently ask myself as I make decisions. 

Because – I believe that fear is the greatest when I become consumed with ME. 

  • My comfort, my past pain, my unknowns, what others think of me, of my job security, my physical security etc…


I also believe that wisdom is rooted in prayer, considering my purpose, the needs of the people and the organizations I serve.

In the summer of 2013 I was a brand new expat with a whopping 3 months of experience living in a foreign country and came face to face with some assumptions I’d always made about how things work when you live outside of the land you call home…  (Yes – I had believed what I saw in the movies and had always assumed that if you were in a foreign country and needed a safe-haven you would find it at your country’s embassy or consulate.)  What I’ve learned since is that there is some truth in that assumption, however, it is NOT the primary purpose of those facilities.

Because of the mass closures of those “safe-havens” that summer –  I kept wondering…  “What’s driving the decision – Is it Fear or Wisdom?”

Fear or Wisdom

As I pondered that question I reached out on Social Media and asked others to weigh in.

What advice would you give leaders to help them make wise decisions instead of fear-based decisions?

Who sees further a dwarf or a giant…?

“Who sees further a dwarf or a giant? Surely a giant for his eyes are situated at a higher level than those of the dwarf. But if the dwarf is placed on the shoulders of the giant who sees further?

This quote was the inspiration for a virtual community called Lead With Giants It is made up of people from all over the world that are passionate advocates of uplifting leadership.

Lead With Giants is one of five virtual leadership communities that I frequently connect with and learn from.  (This particular group is highly engaged, collaborative and as the quote indicates each member has had the benefit of being the dwarf and the giant.)  You are welcome to connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+!  

Each month leadership articles that have been written by Lead With Giants Members are compiled to create The Best of Lead With Giants.  

  • These articles are written to refresh you, to encourage you, to help you, and to challenge you.  
  • This month 17 articles are included.  

So grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair and enjoy!

We hope to see you in one or more of our community hangouts soon!


If you are new to virtual communities check out this link to learn more about why I value them so much!