• I deeply believe that anyone can be a leader.
• That everyone knows something that the rest of us don’t.
• And that we all need to leave our workplaces, communities, nation and world – better than we found them.
Those beliefs inspire me to:
1. Build bridges of communication and understanding between people from different positions, organizations, races, religions, and cultures. (Increasing understanding collaboration and growth.)
2. Instigate change from every position I’ve ever held. Even from the from the middle and the edge of organizations I’ve led system-wide change that has created higher performing teams, increased customer service, reduced risk, and significantly increased revenue.)
Today I am The Founder of Giana Consulting, listed as a Great Leadership Speaker by Inc., write a recognized leadership blog and have co-authored two leadership books.
My faith and my firm belief that leaders need to walk their talk were the reasons I agreed to move to a part of the world that I once feared. In that big desert we were surrounded by people from more than 50 nations in our world. Providing daily opportunities to meet with, listen to and learn from people from other perspectives.
Since our return from the Middle East, I combine my passion for character-based leadership with our Saudi experiences to help people learn to lead themselves, the people they serve and their organizations at a higher level.
I’m listed as 1 of 100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Conference by Inc. Editor Jeff Haden and Bestselling Author Kevin Kruse. Learn more about keynotes and workshops here.
- People from more than 50 different nations, races, tribes, cultures and languages
- Front line employees, mid-level leaders, and executives
- Community members, and special needs adults
- Automotive Groups, Business Associations, Community Colleges, Career Schools, Large Non- Profit Organizations, Government Agencies, Staffing Services, Insurance Companies, International Residential Compounds, Faith-Based Organizations, and other Consulting Companies both nationally and internationally.
I WRITE ABOUT: Leadership, Truth Seeking, Bridge-Building, Understanding Others, Organizational Growth, Change and Grace. (Blogs can be searched by category across the top of the blog or in the right column. ~ All wisdom or understanding in these articles come from failures and successes, wise mentors, the people I worked with, and the underserved grace of my Heavenly Father.)
I am one of 21 authors from 3 countries that connected virtually, discovered a shared passion and wrote a book: The Character-Based Leader. Our desire is to Instigate A Leadership Revolution… One Person At A Time
And of 16 authors that collaborated to write Energize Your Leadership! For ANY Leader that has ever felt the pressure to lead, perform, deliver & inspire.
This blog was listed as one of the Top 100 Socially Shared Leadership Blogs for 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 by the Center for Management & Organizational Effectiveness.
Additional articles have been featured on The Lead Change Group Blog, SmartBlog on Leadership, BlogNotions on Leadership, The Be A Leader Blog and others.
Phone: 832-557-5327
Skype: chery.gegelman
Email: chery@consultgiana.com | gegelmanjc@gmail.com
I take issue with the fact that you state your are “very ordinary” person! YOU ARE NOT! You are special, created by the King of kings…and there is NO ONE in the entire Universe that is like you! Second… what do you mean “soon to be “ex-pat”. I haven’t been in the loop…obviously.
I hope all is well and lets connect up SOON!
Brad ~ Thank you for the encouragement! I will agree with you that we are ALL unique creations and that the best of what I bring does not come from me! …Oh that expat thing? Yeah we were suprised too!
I would love to catch up soon!
Hi Chery. I am curious… where are your expatriating too? I just returned from New Zealand and intrigued by your “soon-to-be expat”
Hey Chery I have to agree with Brad above You do not seem to be A “very ordinary” person! I did watch your video’s above Very Inspiring Chery! I am looking forward to learning more from and about you!
Thanks for sharing.
Chery :))
Thank you Chery!