I’m honored to host Dan McCarthy’s Leadership Development Blog Carnival this month.
January ended with MLK Day. This month we honor Washington and Lincoln. So when Dan and I reached out to our leadership networks, we asked bloggers to share posts about what great leaders do, posts that highlight vision, passion, courage, commitment and even a willingness to sacrifice their very lives to create a legacy of change.
24 Leadership Guru’s responded with stories, inspiration and tangible ideas to help each of us to lead at a higher level. …And while we don’t all agree on where to stand on specific issues, we emphatically agree on what it takes to lead well. Below each post is a quote from that contributor so you can easily share on Twitter!
In this post What Makes The Great Great, John Spence shares Nine Principles of Extraordinary Achievement. The leaders we mentioned above lived these principles. Do you?
[Tweet “Live a life of honesty and integrity. Your reputation is really all you have. via @AwesomelySimple “]