Years ago I read a book called The Dream Giver.
It’s a beautiful little book that emphasizes that each one of us is born for a purpose. As children we often see this as our big dream. Often between childhood and adulthood we forget the dream or walk away from it because it seems impossible. And then one day we are reminded of the dream again and we make the choice to pursue the dream or to let it die forever. Then the book helps you anticipate and prepare for the challenges you will encounter as you journey from where you are to where that dream is.
I purchased the book in 2003 shortly after it was published, simply because I liked the author. As soon as I opened it I was hooked, because I had a dream as a child. It was a dream that I forgot all about as life happened. And then in 1999, I it came back full force. In 2001, I took my first very clear step toward the dream.
Since 2003, I’ve referred to that book several times a year. It’s highlighted, filled with notes, scribbles and pages that are bent back. In October 2010 I referred to it constantly as I launched a new consulting business in a city I had never lived in and knew no one but my husband.
In November 2012 just as my new business was gaining momentum, my husband was asked to accept a position a half a world away, and this quote from the book filled my mind…